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Showing posts with label Challenges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Challenges. Show all posts

Monday, May 22, 2017

Sleep Before 12 Midnight

When we were kids, 2 decades ago or so, we were told to get to bet before 9 and it was so easy to have long, nice sleep. However, today at adulthood, sleeping before twelve o’clock is not something we accustom to. It’s not that we don’t want to, it’s that we can’t. We name this insomnia. 

We believe what doctors say, maybe on a health website, that insomnia is not a pleasant habit and it comes with dangerous results to our body and it should not be lingered. Insomnia results, as doctors exclaim, an unproductive day ahead. 

Since insomnia happens when our eyes stay wide awake all night and somehow we don’t have power to close them off, there are tips and advises offered for most adults. These tips help us to override how our mind works so we might get some long, nice sleep. 

First, this must be considered as challenge, otherwise, it won’t work. Second, the following tips are not in order so you may choose whichever you believe suited you best.

Exercise is good and always will be and is believed that it can prevent insomnia. Exercise in the morning burns fat and is good for heart and brain. Since you are insomniac which means waking up in the morning always in rush for work, you can start exercising in the evening. 

It should not necessarily be a strong exercise because strong or tough exercises are not equivalent to healthy body. Jogging a few rounds or sit up a hundred times or perhaps swimming can be considered a healthy and easy exercises everyone can do.

No coffee after 6 if you are a coffee fan and if you aren’t don’t try to have some before 6 PM. As doctors say that caffeine in coffee blocks neurons responsible for brain to sleep. Thus, this is one of reasons why we can’t sleep. 

Other methods are probably suited you more but these two are among the best and the easiest. Let’s start challenging ourselves by starting the two tips a few times and then we develop other appropriate methods that work universally. 

No one can deny that insomnia, the difficulty to fall asleep, is problematic and it seems like it’s killing us. Therefore, it is tremendously important to challenge ourselves to sleep before 12 o’clock. This challenge is best be done weekly or once a month.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Keep Phones Away on Weekends

In modern times, keeping our phones aside from us is probably, with or without a strict command, a tremendous challenge we might face. It is very difficult for most adults unable to check Facebook feeds or tweets, or perhaps, unable to read news from online portal websites, or maybe, unable to check on games’ current activity.

It would mean lost in the world when we forget to take our phones due to rush and urgency meetings or unintentionally forget to recharge the phones the other night. The idea of being offline to all social media and instant messaging is, if not exaggerated, a catastrophe. No one could bare not sliding left only to check what time is it. 

The notion of keeping our phones away and staying offline for a weekend, probably just on Sunday, is in fact a good and healthy challenge we need to commit. Although it is conventionally unorthodox for our postmodern time to evade phones, not carrying phones in our pockets for a day has calm and friendly advantages we might get. Below are pivotal points that one, everyone, might get on committing to phone away on Sunday challenge, only for 24 hours.

It has been awhile since we were properly bored and weary. It is good to get bored because good things happen when we have to search for something interesting to do. Good and handmade furniture might come to existence from abandon logs in our back yard. It doesn’t require skillful hands to craft logs to be placed in a living room. 

Client mails can wait as well as research papers because there are people who care more about you, perhaps your nanny who wants to comb your hair, and there are others who need you, to play with or to talk to. 

Because some extraordinary experiences can’t be obtained on screen and there are thoughts waiting to be written down. There are places just outside the town that are widely unexplored and you need sometimes to see those places to have new perspective. 

This challenge guides us to understand that phones are too addictive and most importantly, they are trying to keep you on your phone to make many out of you. Thousands of ads prompt inconveniently and uncontrollably over and over. 

Because traffic crowd on the street doesn’t feel the same as traffic on online servers. Horns on The street should not be forgotten because their presence is indeed the alternative form of music instrument. 

Challenges aren’t supposed to be treated bad. They are need to be embraced as they develop us to be precisely more mature and straighten ourselves in many observable ways. Thus, if you happen to read this on Sunday, turn of the phone.

Monday, December 12, 2016

The Challenge We Must Accept

Challenges are what make us strong. As the old proverb – smooth ocean doesn’t make good sailors – Sometimes we see ourselves as a person who can do things that only our self can solve it perfectly. Another time, we feel internally proud of ourselves when our friends turn to us for their personal problems because they know we are capable to help them. Today, we dare to challenge you – and ourselves – for the task that most of us afraid or incapable to do, that is, to call or reengage to our old best friends that once were always there with us. They might be the person we met last decade in a bus or our high school teacher that were once helping us with our problems, or think older, our elementary classmate, the one we wouldn’t go to school if he or she were sick. This is the challenge that we all must except.

Why this is – we believe – so important?

Look at how it will affect us when we try to reengage with them. It will show us a caring and emotionally intelligent person wanted to make ourselves happy. On the other hand, look how it will affect them. This effort will make our relationship much stronger.

How to do it?

First, start with texting. This is the easiest way to begin with because texting lets us know them back bit by bit without meeting them directly. We might often see them on BBM feed or on Facebook timeline that is why to start texting them through social media assuming that they still on the same mobile number or the same account.

Second, start during a big event that they probably experience it the same way as we do. This will prevent the awkwardness between you two, after all, this is the first time you text them again after ages of no communication. If the event is a disaster that you believe happens somewhere nearby. Ask how they are, are they alright, is there something happen to them. Then you can talk about you two, talk about when the last time you two met. After that, you improvise, use the communication skill you have to keep the conversation nicely flow. When we know their whereabouts, we can ask to meet them directly. 

Of course it is easier said than done. But this matter must be done. We cannot forget them just because we moved town or changed school that makes us far away from them. They are the same valuable as they used to be when they were close to us. We need to start now, start one by one, and choose the best way and in the right time.